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Catalog of Soviet Union and Russian coins 1918-2018 (978-5-9907338-7-9)

Kein Bild.

Catalog of Soviet Union and Russian coins 1918-2018 
Gusev S.O. 
Moskva  (Russland)
114, Broschiert 
EUR 34,00
Lieferbar innerhalb von ca. 4-6 Wochen

Catalog of Soviet Union and Russian coins 1918-2018 Coins Moscow (with prices).- The cheapest yet the fullest catalog on USSR and Russian coins with pictures and information at the same time.- All commemorative coins are accompanied with pictures.- The common and regular issued coins are divided in types. If the type or the design of the coin has been changed, both pictures of both types are represented.- All precious metal coins have information on: weight of the coin, diameter, weight of pure metal, standard of fineness, mintage type, price and other. There are also information on the coin thickness and its edge.- The catalog is structured in chronological order - from old USSR times to modern Russia.- The catalog includes information on USSR local and special coin issues.- There is information on future coin issues with the estimated price.- The catalog is easy to use because every page has a head title with the name of the chapter you are currently on. Anglijskaja versija, 1-j vypusk, Janvar 2017. Glavnye osobennosti kataloga:- Pervyj v mire specializirovannyj katalog po periodu 1918-2018 na anglijskom jazyke.- Samyj polnyj po naličiju kartinok i informacii katalog po monetam SSSR i Rossii. - V razdelach jubilejnych monet imejutsja izobraženija vsech monet.- V razdelach reguljarnogo čekana izobraženija razmeščeny po tipam, s učetom izmenenija dizajna na monete. Naprimer, esli v monetach SSSR menjalsja gerb (dobavilis lenty v gerbe), to kartinki raznovidnostej prisutstvujut.- Dobavleny izobraženija krupnych raznovidnostej v monetach SSSR i Rossii.- V razdelach s monetami iz dragocennych metallov, v tablicach naprotiv naimenovanija každoj monety srazu ukazany ves monety, diametr, ves čistogo metalla, proba, sposob čekanki, cena i t.d. Pod každoj tablicej dopolnitelno imeetsja informacija o tolščine i gurte monety.- Monety v kataloge razbity po chronologii. Ot starych vremen k sovremennoj Rossii.- Katalog soderžit informaciju o regionalnych vypuskach monet SSSR.- Razmeščena informacija o monetach, kotorye budut vypuskatsja v buduščem, a takže uže ukazana predpolagaemaja cena na nich. Dlja udobstva polzovanija katalogom, na verchnej i bokovoj plaške každoj stranicy razmeščeno nazvanie razdela, v kotorom vy sejčas nachodites.